Oops Olaplex!
Hey my beauties! Many of my clients have come in recently with questions beacuse Olaplex has been the new spotlight for haircare products that has been accused of causing damage. Let me say this, in my opinion, products have decided to go mainstream consumer sales and as a result comsumers are not using the products as they are intended. Olaplex came out back in 2014 and completly revolutionized our industry. I’ve shared this before with my clients but want to share again; Olaplex helps to restore/maintain the disulfied bonds in the hair structure. These bonds are usually broken during heat styling and chemical services. Many believe that Olaplex is the fix all for hair, and that is where the problem starts.
Olaplex only works on one part of the hair structure. In some cases, consumers are attempting to use Olaplex to “fix” what their hair may not be in need of. For examle, if your hair is in need of moisture or protein Olaplex may not be the best option for that. There have been complaints that Olaplex was “making” consumers hair dry and brittle and in extreme cases cause balding. I would contend that the cosumer was using a product that’s meant for one thing to “fix” something else. As a result their hair never got what it needed and it only allowed for their hair to progress in the problem that was never addressed. No fault of Olaplex if it’s been misused.
Olpalex’s CEO, chemist and mutliple ambassadors have come out aggressively against the allegations and released statements and third party testing to ensure that the product does not cause damage or balding. I am not naive enough to say that a product is one hundred percent effective for every single person that uses it, however, I will objectively say that the number of consumers that have had a genuinely negative reaction has been minimal.
In conclusion, I would say that Olaplex is a great product that I have not had a negative experience with personally nor professionally. I would suggest that anyone who is interested in the benefits of Olaplex should get a thorough consultation and use the product only as recommended. Don’t forget to share, follow and comment, it would help me greatly in getting out some content that could helpful for our industry and consumers alike. Until next time…SMOOCHES!!!