Happy Anniversary My Beauties!!!
Hey my beauties! April 1, 2008 I embarked on a journey I had no clue would change the trajectory of my life forever! I was working at a salon that was going out of business due to the landlord selling the land and not wanting to renew the lease for the salon owner. We were given one month to find a new salon. I heard about Sola Salons from one of the other stylists that was looking into it as an alternative. She informed me that they had a waitlist and she decided to move on to other options. That’s when I found out that I have a persistent beast inside of me that comes out only when necessary.
I called the Sola number that was given to me and I was told to ask for Mike. Well, for one week straight, I called every day twice a day and left the same message as if I didn’t leave the previous ones. Later Mike called me back and said “Hey Rachel, I recieved ALL of your messages!” HA! Looking back now I had zero fear that this man surely could’ve thought I was a full on mental case. That thought never crossed my mind. I just knew what I wanted and “no” was not an option. So if I had to look a little crazy then so be it. I calmly explained to him my situation of needing a space as soon as possible. He informed me, much like the other stylist, that there was a waitlist. I further emplored that I didn’t care about the waitlist becasue no one on that list would want to get in as soon as me and when he goes through the list he can call me back and let me know my move in date. I was BOLD bold! He chuckled and said that he would call me back. He called a coulple of days later and I didn’t answer by saying “hello” like a normal person; NOPE, I answered and said, “Hey, when is my move in date!?” Again Mike chuckled and said that I can move in April 1st. He has been my silent partner and I’ve been his favorite stalker ever since.
I had ZERO idea of what I was doing, what I wanted my business to be and I had NO clue on how to run a business. I was pure unadulterated ignorance on fire, bull in a china shop or whatever metaphor you can think of for chaos unleashed HA! All I knew is that I would figure it out. Along the way I have done plenty of photoshoots with photographers that are SUPERSTARS. I’ve worked on show sets, movie sets, a music video set, I’ve been featured in three major publications, I’ve traveled to teach classes, I’ve travled to take classes, I’ve made some stupid business decisions and I’ve made some smart ones, I’ve survived a freaking global pandemic! All in all though I’m JUST now feeling like I’ve found my sweet spot. It took 15 years of me searching and growing, it wasn’t pretty or easy but I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. At any given moment even that “sweet spot” can change and I’m okay with that as well because you have to keep growing right?! I’m so thankful to my clients for continuing to support and cheer me on. I work continuously to find ways to add value and help ladies get to their hair goals and will JOYFULLY continue to do so. I love and adore every single client that has ever sat in my chair because I have learned something new with each person and with each visit. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY BEAUTIES!!!!! Be sure to share, comment and subscribe. Until next time…SMOOCHES!